Posts Categorized: March 2024

Under pressure

Patrick Rea explores how elite military and sports strategies can be used to help transform security performance The armed forces and high-performance team sports hold valuable lessons for training and managing UK security teams that face ever-changing criminal, public order and terrorist threats. Whether it’s an athlete facing a crucial play or a soldier navigating… Read more »

Preparing for the unthinkable

Lorenzo Marchetti outlines the importance of mitigating terrorist threats in public spaces In the wake of devastating terrorist attacks across the globe, the UK government is taking proactive steps to enhance security measures for public venues. The proposed Terrorism Protection of Premises bill, colloquially known as Martyn’s Law, is a pioneering piece of legislation which… Read more »

Unlocking tomorrow

Jeff Ross reveals how cloud-based systems are revolutionising access control As businesses evolve, so does the technology that protects them. The latest shift in access control is significant: it marks a move away from traditional, static systems towards more dynamic, cloud-based solutions. This new delivery model provides flexibility and complete control in real time, strengthening… Read more »

Democracy under fire

Beth Hepworth considers a big year for global elections in this digital threat forecast 2024 is set to be a monumental year for democracy; with over two billion people across 50 countries going to the polls to elect representatives at local, national and intra-continental levels. This includes elections in some of the world’s most populous… Read more »

Warning signs

Patrick Rea examines the mental health challenges facing the security sector The mental health of security personnel in the UK is under unprecedented strain, a situation brought into sharp relief by a landmark 2020 study by Professor Mark Button, Professor of Criminology at the Institute of Criminal Justice Studies at the University of Portsmouth. This… Read more »


Paul D Turner examines the growing role that AI plays in signals intelligence and technical surveillance countermeasures Perhaps dangerously overused and misunderstood, AI plays a significant role within SIGINT/TSCM across administrative and deployment-oriented signal analysis, analytics and reporting, as a path to clarity of large intelligence data subsets. AI and Machine Learning (ML) can be… Read more »

Grinding to a halt

Joseph Carson addresses the growing cyber threats to critical national infrastructure In an era where digital connectivity underpins the very fabric of society, the security of our Critical National Infrastructure (CNI) has never been more important. In recent years there has been a surge in sophisticated cyber attacks targeting these vital systems, including energy grids,… Read more »

Unlocking a new era

Eugenia Marina explores the role of biometrics in education: navigating the path to a secure and inclusive learning environment In light of the urgent global problems, education is a lighthouse for hope that will bring about change. Like any other aspect of our daily lives, the education sector is not unexposed to the effects of… Read more »

Spring budget 2024

Elaine Whyte examines the UK security implications of the recent Spring Budget The geopolitical environment created a challenging backdrop for the Spring Budget, as the UK’s role in promoting peace and security around the world, most pressingly in Ukraine, competed with fiscal challenges. The Government is holding the Defence budget at 2 percent of GDP… Read more »

Maintaining the status quo

Simon Alderson examines the role of security firms in managing activist protests The ‘friendly threat’ that activists pose to event disruption is often incredibly difficult for security firms to spot. Although security measures can be in place such as body searches and checkpoints, activists often can get around these by concealing banners and often small… Read more »