Posts Categorized: February 2023

Identity confirmed

Armin Reuter explains how D4FLY has been exploring the border controls of the future An increasingly connected world with rising passenger numbers at airports requires innovative approaches for a comfortable travel experience with the highest security standards. The D4FLY research project opens the gates to border controls and the digital traveller journey of tomorrow.In addition… Read more »

Are you being compromised?

PD Turner outlines the radio-frequency process and operator training considerations Before even deploying a radio-frequency resource the technical operator must give thoughtful consideration to Probability of Detection (POD). In a standards-based deployment methodology, we refer to this as ‘POD by the numbers’. At this early stage of the game, the technical operator must take into… Read more »

Service resumed

Bernardo Chernitzky explains why, following COVID, personnel training is still the foundation of aviation security There are few industries that needed the relaxation of Covid-19 travel restrictions as much as the aviation sector – and few that have struggled as much since they were subsequently lifted. Throughout 2022, we saw airports and carriers around the… Read more »

Safe to learn

Peter Jackson highlights vital protection considerations for education establishments Our children are the future. Young minds are inspired, practical skills are imparted and fresh passions are formed within the four walls of classrooms across the nation, and these will be tapped into for generations to come. But first, we need to look at the boundaries… Read more »

The weakest link

Paul Ponzeka outlines the cyber threats and trends that lie ahead in the alternative investment industry Cybersecurity is an ever-moving treadmill of change, constantly bringing new trends, threats, technologies and solutions into our daily digital lives. As such, organisations must continually adapt to new threats and changing attack strategies, especially as remote and hybrid working… Read more »

Line of fire

Louise Hobroh outlines the importance of using smart technology to provide a safer retail environment Although all industries face the threat of aggression and the need to manage incidents, ones with employees in public-facing roles such as retail endure a high incidence of aggression or violent acts from angry customers. However, violence, abuse and anti-social… Read more »

Chain reaction

Ralph Chammah reveals how proactive threat detection is the key to overcoming blockchain security challenges Since the idea was first introduced during the 2008 global financial crisis, blockchain technology and cryptocurrency has skyrocketed. Storing information in several databases (blocks) that are linked together chronologically through cryptographic hashes to form a distributed network (chain) has provided… Read more »