Posts Categorized: March 2020

Be Prepared

Rupert Godesen highlights the importance of undergoing appropriate training before entering potentially hostile enviroments A few weeks ago, I was dropping my son off at school. He is currently obsessed with dinosaurs and would not leave the house without his Allosaurus, so along he came for the short buggy ride. The teacher at the gate… Read more »

Spotlight on Iran

Timothy Compston weighs up the security ramifications of the death of General Soleimani and Iran’s response Even before the killing of General Soleimani in a drone strike, relations between the West – most notably the US – and Iran were turbulent. In fact the seeds of animosity were sown more than four decades earlier with… Read more »

No Room For Error

Steve Revell reveals the future trends, changing threats and current capabilities in explosives and narcotics detection The security landscape is constantly changing. Threats and their method of delivery are constantly evolving, becoming ever more sophisticated in their attempts to outstrip detection methods. Today’s increasingly asymmetric threat environment requires manufacturers and security services to stay consistently… Read more »

Airport Security

Mark Brace examines the growing difficulties of keeping tourists safe in airports On 19 December 2019, the first flight in over four years from the United Kingdom to Sharm El-Sheikh in Egypt – previously an extremely popular destination for British holidaymakers – landed at the resort’s airport. Flights had been suspended following the crash of… Read more »

Raising the Bar

Iain Entwistle reports on how a layered approach to physical security can help to make buildings more secure Protecting buildings from physical attack poses unique challenges because they are required to withstand threats ranging from vehicles driven at speed into perimeter defences, to lone criminals using tools to force their way through a building’s façade… Read more »

Stadium Security

Wanda Nijholt on how Brøndby football club employs facial recognition and security camera solutions to keep fans safe The rapid development of facial recognition technology, backed by artificial intelligence, and the latest camera technology has been the key for one famous European football club in its efforts to combat unruly behaviour and to establish an… Read more »

Remote Control

Chris Morales discusses the potential risks involved in remote desktop protocol and reveals measures to keep your organisation safe Being able to control a computer or range of computers remotely is definitely a useful business tool, however it is also a dream come true for threat actors as it enables them to more easily carry… Read more »